Next.js SEO optimization - a success story

Significantly improved a private healthcare marketplace Next.js application, achieving a 66% reduction in the mobile INP metric, boosting their SEO rank.

Oracle Cloud
Next.js SEO optimization - a success story

About the company

Hungarian early-phase startup with a vision to transform private healthcare availability for customers.

The Challenge

The company began by implementing quick and straightforward solutions to create a proof-of-concept (PoC) for validating their product. After a successful validation, they experienced a surge in website traffic.

However, the product website was not yet optimized for SEO, which impacted their organic traffic. Their solution was built with Next.js, which had limited documentation on effective SEO optimization. They specifically struggled with the new INP (Interaction to Next Paint) metric introduced by Google. Originally, their mobile INP metric was around 300ms and needed to be reduced.


As experts in not only backend and cloud technologies but React frontend as well, we dived into the Next.js codebase immediately.

We discovered that most of the code relied on a backend server to deliver data in real-time, resulting in dynamic page generation within Next.js.

After analyzing the situation, we determined that the optimal solution was to rewrite the majority of the application for static generation during build time. This approach involved a longer build process—over 20,000 pages needed to be generated—but it resulted in significantly faster application response times and reduced resource requirements for both the backend and frontend.


The results were exceptional. Within a few days, Google began reindexing the pages, and the INP metric fell to an average of under 100ms, with some pages even reaching around 60ms.

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